Fire Marshal Training Online

Course Overview

Target Audience 

This course is suitable for people who are responsible for fire safety or who are designated fire marshals in their workplace. No prior knowledge of fire safety is required. 

The course is mapped to RQF Level 2 and has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines. It is designed to meet and comply with the Regulatory reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

Depending upon your workplace, your risk assessment may require you to supplement this course with practical training.

Learning aims and content to: 

Provide learners with the knowledge required to ensure good fire safety measures in the workplace and to carry out their role as a Fire Marshal. Fire Marshals play an essential role in contributing to fire safety by following fire safety control measures, being alert to issues relating to fire safety, and knowing how to lead a safe evacuation in an emergency.  



This online course can be completed on any PC or mobile device. Learners can study at their own pace and log in and out as often as they wish


  • Appeals to a broad range of learning styles with interactive quizzes and audio features. 
  • Allows learners to work at their own pace, testing their knowledge as they progress through the course. 
  • The course has been designed in line with the British Dyslexia Association “Dyslexia friendly style guide” guidelines. 


Continuous self-checks throughout the course (100% pass mark required to progress to next lesson) and an end of course multiple-choice test with an 80% pass mark


On successful completion, learners can download a certificate as evidence that they have passed the course.


This course has been approved by the CPD Accreditation Group and qualifies for 2 CPD points. It has been approved by the FAIB (First Aid Industry Body)


Approximately 120-180 minutes

Topics covered in this course

Module 1 – Fire Safety and The Law 

  • Understanding the importance of fire safety 
  • Fire safety and the Law 
  • Responsibility for fire safety in the workplace 
  • How the law is enforced 
  • Enforcement powers 

Module 2 – Managing Fire Safety In The Workplace – Principles and Practice

  • The role of the Fire Marshal 
  • Proactive Fire Marshal duties 
  • Reactive fire marshal duties 
  • The number of fire marshals required in the workplace 

Module 3 – Understanding How Fires Start

  • The main causes of fire 
  • How fires start – the fire triangle 
  • Sources of oxygen, heat and fuel 
  • Dangerous substances – DSEAR 
  • Classes of fire 

Module 4 – Fire Risk Assessment

  • The 5 Steps of Risk assessment 
  • Fire risk assessment requirements for dangerous substances 

Module 5 – Fire Prevention and Controls

  • Fire Prevention 
  • Fire detection and warning systems 
  • Good housekeeping  
  • Passive fire controls 
  • Active fire controls 
  • Evacuation routes 
  • Means of escape for disabled people 
  • Refuge points 
  • Emergency lighting 

Module 6 – Evacuation Routes and Fire Signs

  • Fire signage 
  • Signs for fire exit routes 
  • Signs for fire exit doors 
  • Signs for fire assembly points 
  • Signs for fire-fighting equipment and call points 
  • Warning and prohibition signs 

Module 7 – Emergency Plans, Evacuation Procedures and Fire Drills

  • Fire emergency plans 
  • Evacuation procedures 
  • Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) 
  • Fire Marshal duties during evacuations 
  • Fire drills 


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